Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fine. Go ahead and call me a fucking hipster.

It's all about transitioning.
We know what we wanna be.
We know how we wanna dress.
We know how we want others to perceive us.
We slide into different positions and realize
We like how we originally were.
Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken.
Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Come to think of it,

I expected more from you.
You were the kind one.
You texted me every single day asking how I was doing.
We have so much in common.
We talk non-stop when we hangout.
EVEN through the movies.
Like a light-switch
You stop texting me.
Claim you don't ever want a girlfriend.
Convince me I'm one of your best friends.
Always the same story.
What surprised me, Is that it came from you.
You're reading this.
You didn't expect it.
I'm fucking tired of my friends.
Always telling me we're perfect together.
They won't let go
Like you did.
And I'm fucking sick of getting my hopes up.
This isn't part of the plan.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


FUCK seeing my ex today.
FUCK my coworker, who claims it's unfair that I won't clean the chicken pans because I'm vegan.
FUCK the impatient dick at the green light who honked at me.
FUCK the asshole at Fred Meyer who blew smoke in my face.

And I think I'm menstruating. Am I overreacting?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Watching the rain fall in drops down my car window

Where the fuck is a time machine when you really need it?

Perhaps it's the distance

Hoping only goes so far.
You put me in your back pocket.
I've kept you in my heart for months.
I fear these feelings.
I fear love.
Your silence causes me to question.
I'm tired of being an option, rather than a choice.
I know you're not perfect.
You're looking for the best.
Well baby, I'm going to fucking rule the world someday.
No question about that.
You're either in or out.
I don't have time for this petty bullshit.
Time to retreat.
As always.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best text to wake up to at 1:30am.

"Hey. I'm blacked out right now. But fun fact, I miss you."

Friday, April 1, 2011

We're all sick of the missed shots

I couldn't tell you what led me to drive five and a half hours in the middle of the night to an unfamiliar place. It's not like me to be so easily convinced. Usually, I find drunk texts immature and annoying, but I simply obeyed to the command at hand.
You were blacked out by the time I had gotten there. It was nearly 5am and the college town was asleep. You were standing outside smoking a cigarette and jumping up and down at the sight of me. You said you thought it was a joke that I would actually drive there. Clearly it wasn't. We hugged, then walked inside your fraternity.
The second we got up the stairs to your floor, I could hear someone vomiting. We walked past the bathroom and you asked the vomiting asian if he wanted water. Then you introduced us. Probably the most awkward way I've ever met someone. I then realized fraternities are way worse than the movies.
Your room was small and cluttered. There were empty beer cans and boxes scattered throughout your room. There was a boy on your bed passed out. His body was on the bed, and his head falling in the corner in the wall. We started watching Fear and Loathing on your T.V., and the drunk kid left. I told you I was exhausted and needed sleep. We laid down and you gave me kisses on the cheek. Called them 'angel kisses'. I kissed your lips for a moment, then fell asleep.
I woke up the next day to the sound of your friend in the room and you snoring. This day I learned so much from you. We hungout with all your friends, and I watched you interact with them. I love watching you. You are like a child in your manner. So funny and careless about the future. You always have a good time.
That night we cuddled, laughed, got intimate, talked, became honest with each other. Time wasn't an issue. I wanted to know your heart. It's refreshing to meet someone so genuine. You've never had a girlfriend, are the sweetest guy alive, but somehow, you scare me.
I woke up late the next morning. I despised that five hour drive more than anything. I felt robbed for time. My curiosity naturally kicks in. I want to know more about you. You are so different, but it's easy around you. Who knows where it goes from here. We both have things we need to figure out in our own lives. But I like how things are. We don't need a label or word. I suppose only time will tell. Who would've thought I would fall for the watermelon gum, boy?
Beats me.