Monday, November 28, 2011

e a sappy lonesome idiot.
Sometimes I wish someone would die or something terrible would happen, just so I could have a reason for this depression. Without reason, I just feel lik

Saturday, September 24, 2011


You tell me I'm the best-worst thing that ever happened to you, and all I think about is how you poisoned my soul.
I've began on this road again, due to your selfishness.
I've lost part of me, and gained a demon that eats away at my heart.
This may sound dramatic, but It's far worse than that.
It's harder to smile nowadays.
Your words are smooth, but your actions and hidden motivations speak louder.
My only hope belongs in my friendships, which keep me going.
I should have never met you.
You put disgusting thoughts into my head about myself, and I was foolish enough to believe them.
I hope you're happy now that I've done everything you asked for.
Now get the hell out of my fucked up life.
Go poison another girl's..
This is me. Finally standing up to you. I hope the message is clear.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My problem is

When it comes to relationships, I tend to skip the slower parts and jump straight to the finish line... probably not a good thing, and I'm working on that...

I guess I'm just really impatient... that and my happiness comes from "love", so without it, I get... eager?

Friday, July 15, 2011

I have more to add to this post, but can't yet word it.

Truth is, I'm glad I broke it off. I'm much happier now.
But I have had nightmares every single night since.
I think part of my sub-conscious feels like a monster.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We discovered that Pop Rock's and Coke won't kill you.

He's mine, but I will never feel like he belongs to me.
This Love will be the death of me, although I know I will never fully understand it.
Find myself, laying in his dirty sheets.
Trying to ignore the bullshit my friends are saying about how I'm too good for him.
I know he is pulling me down, but I don't mind this time.
I'm drowning slowly, and it's beautiful.
This is pure happiness.
I'll make sure I'll be prepared when the heartbreak comes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Directions On How To Deal With Death.

-Repeat, repeat until It doesn't hurt anymore